
PhD 2014 –  september 2017

Accreditation to supervise research (HDR) , september 2021

Working papers in revision :

Risk-return trade-offs in the context of environmental impact:
a lab-in-the-field experiment with finance professionals
(previously named Why finance professionals hold green and brown assets? A lab-in-the-field experiment, with Adrien Nguyen-Huu, Dimitri Dubois and Marc Willinger), R&R in Review of Finance (CNRS 1, CABS 4, FT50)

Reasonable precaution or unjust discrimination? Applying a lexical utility model of the precautionary principle to moral choices (with Thomas Boyer-Kassem), R&R in Journal of Business Ethics (FNEGE 1, FT50)

New working papers !

Short-term meditation promotes prosocial investments during financial crises: A laboratory experiment (with Wael Bousselmi, Rassul-Ishame Kalfane, Patrick Sentis, Marc Willinger)

Compliance with Covid-19 sanitary measures: don’t forget the precautionary principle (with Thomas Boyer-Kassem and Ismaël Rafaï), under review.

Publications in international peer-reviewed journals

18) (Forthcoming) Depth of reasoning in the 11-20 game differs between financial professionals and students. A lab-in-the-field experiment. (with Bernur Açıkgöz, Dimitri Dubois, Adrien Nguyen-Huu and Marc Willinger), Economics Letters (CABS 3)

17) (Forthcoming) Respect des mesures sanitaires contre le Covid-19 : n’oublions pas le principe de précaution (with Thomas Boyer-Kassem and Ismaël Rafaï), Santé Publique

16) (2024) Association between mindfulness and risk and time preferences (with Marlène Guillon and Ismaël Rafaï), The Journal of the Economic Science Association (CABS 1).

15) (2023) Stated preferences outperform elicited preferences for predicting reported compliance with Covid-19 prophylactic measures. (with Ismaël Rafaï, Thierry Blayac, Dimitri Dubois, Phu Nguyen-Van, Bruno Ventelou, Marc Willinger), The Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics,107, 102089. (CNRS 3, CABS 2)

14) (2023) Portfolio instability and socially responsible investment: experiments with financial professionals and students (with Olga Tatarnikova, Patrick Sentis and Marc Willinger)  Journal of Economic dynamics and control, vol. 153, 104702. (HCERES: A, CNRS: 1)

13) (2022) What drives the acceptability of restrictive health policies: An experimental assessment of individual preferences for anti-COVID 19 strategies (with Thierry Blayac , Dimitri Dubois, Phu Nguyen Van, Bruno Ventelou, Marc Willinger), Economic Modelling, vol. 116, p. 106047. (JCR Impact Factor: 3.875, Q1 in Economics with Clarivate Analytics 2022; Cite Score: 4.8, Q1 in Economics and Econometrics with Scimago Journal & Country Rank, HCERES: A, CNRS: 2)

Topics: Study of the population’s preferences with regard to Covid-19 epidemic control policies, Methodology: Web-based Discret Choice Experiment with a population of more than 1 100 French individuals

12) (2022) Higher order risk attitudes of financial experts (with Anna Bottasso, Eric Guerci, Nobuyuki Hanaki and Charles Noussair), Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, vol. 34, p. 100658. (JCR Impact Factor: 8.222, rank 5 out of 111 Clarivate Analytics 2022 in Business and Finance; Cite Score: 6.1, Q1 in Finance with Scimago Journal & Country Rank)

Topics: Investigation of the risk attitudes of financial professionals, Methodologies: Field Experiment with market finance professionals and econometrics of experimental data (experimetrics)

11) (2022) Did Mindful People Do Better during the COVID-19 Pandemic? Mindfulness Is Associated with Well-Being and Compliance with Prophylactic Measures, (with Xinyue Wen, Ismaël Rafaï, and Marc Willinger), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(9):5051. (JCR Impact Factor: 3.390, Q1 in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, Q2 in Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health with CiteScore and Scimago Journal & Country Rank)

Topics: Investigation of the relationship between mindfulness and well-being within the context of compliance with prophylactic measures in the time of COVID-19, Methodology: Online survey with a population of more than 1 100 French individuals

10) (2022) Nudging for lockdown: behavioural insights from an online experiment (with Thierry Blayac , Dimitri Dubois, Phu Nguyen Van, Ismaël Rafaï, Bruno Ventelou, Marc Willinger), Social Psychology (JCR Impact Factor: 2.473, Q1 journal in Psychology, Social Psychology, and Sociology and Political Science with Scimago Journal & Country Rank, Q2 in  Social Psychology by Journal Citation Indicator, Clarivate Analytics)

Topics: Test the effectiveness of a social comparison nudge to enhance lockdown compliance during the Covid-19 pandemic, Methodology: Online experiments with a population of more than 1 100 French individuals

9) (2022) The triple-store experiment: a first simultaneous test of classical and quantum probabilities in choice over menus (with Ismaël Rafaï, Eric Guerci, Irina Basieva and Andrei Khrennikov), Theory and Decision, 92, 387–406. (HCERES: A, CNRS: 2)

Topics: Bounded Rationality,  Quantum decision theory, Decision-making, Methodologies: Theory and experiment

8) (2021) Population preferences for inclusive COVID-19 policy responses (with Thierry Blayac , Dimitri Dubois, Phu Nguyen Van, Bruno Ventelou, Marc Willinger),  The Lancet Public Health, Vol 6, e9 (JCR Impact Factor: 21.6, rank 1 out of 171 Clarivate Analytics 2021, rank 2 out 559 Scimago Journal & Country Rank,  for journals in public environmental and occupational health)

Topics: Study of the population’s preferences with regard to Covid-19 epidemic control policies, Methodology: Web-based Discret Choice Experiment with a population of more than 1 100 French individuals

7) (2020) Review of Handbook of Green Finance, edited by Je ffrey D. Sachs,
Wing Thye Woo, Naoyuki Yoshino and Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary,
Ecological Economics. (HCERES: A, CNRS: 1). Working paper version

Topic: Green finance, Methodology: Book Review

6) (2020) On discrimination in health insurance (with Thomas Boyer-Kassem), Social Choice and Welfare, 55:5-23 [doi]. (HCERES: A, CNRS: 1)

Topics: Ethics, Morals, Health insurance, Methodology: Philosophy of Economics

5) (2019) A Dual Process in Memory: How to make an evaluation from complex and complete information? An experimental study (with Ismaël Rafaï, Éric Guerci, Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky and Fabien Mathy), Revue Économique70(6), 1079 -1094. (HCERES: A, CNRS: 2)

Topics: Bounded Rationality, Decision-making, Dual process in Memory, Fuzzy Trace Theory, Methodologies: Experiment and econometrics of experimental data (experimetrics)

4) (2019) The effects of short selling and borrowing on traders’ expectations and market outcomes (with Éric Guerci, Nobuyuki Hanaki and Charles Noussair), Journal of Economic dynamics and control, 107, 103734 [doi]. (HCERES: A, CNRS: 1)

Topics: Bounded Rationality, Experimental asset market, Traders’ behaviors, Short selling, Margin buying, Methodologies: Experiment and econometrics of experimental data (experimetrics)

3) (2017) Une nouvelle approche expérimentale pour tester les modeles quantiques de l’erreur de conjonction (with Thomas Boyer-Kassem and Éric Guerci), Revue Économique, 68(5), 757-771. (HCERES: A, CNRS: 2)

Topics: Bounded Rationality,  Quantum decision theory, Decision-making, Conjunction fallacy, Methodology: Experiment

2) (2016) quantum-like models cannot account for the conjunction fallacy (with Thomas Boyer-Kassem and Éric Guerci), Theory and Decision81(4), 479-510 [doi]. (HCERES: A, CNRS: 2)

Topics: Bounded Rationality,  Quantum decision theory, Decision-making, Conjunction fallacy, Methodologies: Theory and experiment

1) (2016) testing quantum-like models of judgment for question order effect (with Thomas Boyer-Kassem and Éric Guerci), Mathematical Social Sciences, 80 : 33-46[doi]. (HCERES: A, CNRS: 2)

Topics: Bounded Rationality,  Quantum decision theory, Decision-making, Order effect, Methodology: Theory

Other publications

(2022) «Les attendus d’une approche d’économie comportementale pour les décisions individuelles face à la pandémie de COVID-19 : succès et déceptions» (avec Thierry Blayac, Dimitri Dubois, Phu Nguyen-Van, Ismaël Rafaï, Bruno Ventelou et Marc Willinger), Médecine/sciences, Volume 38, Numéro 6-7, Juin–Juillet 2022

(2022) « Améliorer l’impartialité de l’expertise scientifique », (with Thomas Boyer-Kassem and Julie Jebeile), Gestions Hospitalières, n°614, March 2022, p. 114-116, acte des 17èmes Assises Nationales Hospitalo-Universitaires, Lille, 8 and 9 December 2021.

(2021) « Covid : ces mesures sanitaires que les Français sont prêts à accepter  », (with Thierry Blayac, Dimitri Dubois,  Phu Nguyen Van, Bruno Ventelou,  Marc Willinger), Le Point (link:

(2020) « Quelles mesures sanitaires les Français sont-ils prêts à accepter ? », (with Thierry Blayac, Dimitri Dubois,  Phu Nguyen Van, Bruno Ventelou,  Marc Willinger), The Conversation (link:

(2019) « Green Money » (English Book Review of Climat un défi pour la finance by Ducret and Scolan 2016), in Books & ideas

(2018) Too fast, Too furious ? Une réflexion historique et contemporaine sur l’emballement des marchés financiers (with Nathalie Oriol) , 1024 – Bulletin de la société informatique de France, 12 : 47-65 [doi]

(2018)  « La monnaie verte » (Recension/Book Review of Climat un défi pour la finance by Ducret and Scolan 2016), in La Vie des Idées

Some Working or submitted papers

Financial professionals are more pro-environmental than students. A portfolio choice experiment (with Rassul Kalfane, Patrick Sentis et Marc Willinger), Working paper

Personal and Professional Motives for Investing Green and Divesting Brown (with Adrien Nguyen-Huu, Dimitri Dubois et Marc Willinger), Working paper

Online Appendix

Instructions borrowing and short selling